Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Falls off Roof

Don't drink and play Santa!

Trunk Monkey

No car should be without one! roflmao!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Child Beater

The name isn't funny, but when you watch these 2 part videos, you will find out why it was named that as well as getting some good laughs. These videos where so well put together and anyone that is a parent can probably remember wrestling with their kids, well, here is two video takes with a bit of a twist.

Watch this video first

I hope you liked that one, now watch this one.

I hope you enjoyed these videos, keep checking back for more funny videos!


Hello and Welcome to my Funny Web Videos Blog!

Have you ever gotten an email from a friend with a funny video attached or a link to a funny video on the web?

Well, I get them all the time, and sending them back and forth to all my friends can get kind of crazy trying to remember what I sent out. So I decided I would start posting all the funny web videos I get and find in my blog.

This way, my friends can bookmark the site or subscribe to the posts and keep checking out all the new and funny web videos that I post. Then they can just forward a link instead of emailing big files all over the place.

I hope that you will like the videos that I will be posting and keep coming back for more fun and laughs!
